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The County of Lucredia

Lucredia Flag
The Official Flag of Lucredia
Lucredia Emblem
The Emblem of Lucredia


The Word Lucredia is made up of Lucre (profaned) and edia (Land) which both comes from an ancient language, which was common within the nation. In other words, Lucredia was known back then as the profaned lands, which might've come from their very unreligious behaviour and focus on science and technology.

The Name of the Capital Lucrona comes from Lucr (Syllable for Lucredia) and crona (crown). Translated it would mean "The Crown of Lucredia". The name comes from the enormous wealth, that the town once had.


The Beginning

The name Lucredia was first used in an ancient empire for a sub-kingdom, which was identically experienced in science and culture as the capital. The people never really believed in a religion, and so the dominant religion back then started calling it "unholy lands" and "homage of evil".

As years have passed, under the rule of the 47th King called Lenadea den Criel, the Kingdom broke free from the falling Empire and managed to stay in peace for estimated 500 years. Suddenly, the Church started crusades against the Kingdom, as its being seen as an enemy of god with their advanced culture and technology, which also led to their victory with their 3 giant Magical Golems they still had from the days in the empire.

After this war, several others tried to destroy the Nation, mostly to get the golems, including their co vassals from the empire which had to get rid of them due to the extremely high maintenance. One war was nearly lost, as 2 of the golems have been sabotaged and the 3rd being in maintenance. But the war was still won. In all of the wars Lucredia took little to no territory and mainly vassalized the other states to increase their power and provide their riches to more people.

But as everything, all had come to an end. After nearly 1700 years of independence, freedom and civil rights, the first power hungry and selfish King got elected. The 1385th King called Bahamuth den Criel-Leoren of Lucredia pushed to annex most vassal states, without seeing the danger ahead. A cult praying to 7 gods which was in a part of the new territory saw this as an opportunity to gain higher popularity and started spreading within the nation with everyone noticing except the king. The dukes and senators tried to mobilize as much as possible to fend off the incoming threat, but failed miserably. One duke known as Sebastion Lenadea ven Akuma-Criel Dominate (latin) died at the frontlines after killing an estimated amount of 4000 cultists, making him to one of the strongest soldiers of that time. But all hope was lost. As the senate was holding a vote on deposing the King, the cultists burned the capital of Lucrona to the ground, removing any evidence that there ever was a nation. The Nation collapsed soon after and many fled to a kingdom beyond the known world in hopes to return one day.

The Return

One of those was the son of Duke Sebastion Lenadea ven Akuma-Criel Dominate called Valentinus Sebastion ven Akuma-Criel-Kommandena Dominate who went with his mother to her birthplace beyond the known world. 2000 Years later, Knight Lucas Gerg Lenadea Sebastian vin Akuma-Criel Dominate decided to return, only to see a big shrine being built by the cult which destroyed the nation. He was sacrificed after being found. His brother then decided to remove all evidence, that they have the blood of the former King of Lucredia. After again 2000 years, Knight Lukas Valentin Georg Johann Sebastian von Akuma Dominate got bored and decided to travel to the world of Alathra.. Once he arrived there, he felt a weird presence, so he decided to investigate it. After some time, he got visions of his ancestors who marched this road as well for a reason unknown to him. Out of curiosity, he followed the path he had seen in his inner eye with the weird presence getting stronger and stronger as he marched. After months of travelling, he arrived on a lush island just offshore of an peninsula. There, he saw exactly, what happened here 4000 years ago and decided to make a halt here to try to find more information about the long dead nation of Lucredia. It didn't took long for him to realise that in theory he's the heir to Lucredia and so he decided, to rebuild it as much as possible and dig up old relics to restore them or recreate them.


Lucredia was and is a senatorial Monarchy, meaning that there's a senate and a chancellor to represent the people, but the leader still holds absolute authority over the nation as well as the nobility controls the region.


The Count Lukas Valentin Georg Johann Sebastian von Akuma Dominate has the absolute power over Lucredia and is the uncontested Ruler of the Nation. He draws all regional borders, hold the capital and is (currently) the only one allowed within the nation to grant titles of nobility and military (except soldier).

Right Hand Man

The Right Hand Man is considered the uncontested heir to the County as long the current leader doesn't have a child. He hold about the same rights as the Count, but he has to be from the nobility, have the trust of the Liege and be an active citizen.

The Chancellor

The Chancellor is a Senator elected by the Senate to represent all people, be a figurehead and do Diplomatic discourse as well as talking to the people and trying to fulfil the wishes of the masses.

The Senate

The senate is made up of 1 senator per city district (capital) or 1 per county. Their job is to listen to the people and hand wishes as well as information and opinions to the nobles or the Liege, but the Senate is seen as politically stronger than the Nobility, as it can depose a Liege with a 100% accordance of all senators. Else they deal with infrastructure and inner political things in general and sometimes handle some diplomatic discourse, but that's mostly done by the Chancellor.

The Nobility

In the Nobility, the traditional Titles are being used. They are considered the region owners and can be a vassal of each other. Their freedom goes up to the extent, that the Count let's regional and small international wars happen, as long it doesn't harm him or any important relations with other nations.


Once someone makes a town in the name of Lucredia, he'll be considered a baron and will be given a bit of land surrounding the town. if the town is already in a county or higher, it'll automatically be assigned to it.


People in charge of a district of the capital Lucrona hold the title of a knight. They are considered to have the same rights as barons have, but are still a lower rank. Outside the capital, barons and above are allowed to assign this role symbolically to those, who do great work, but can't be in the senate as the place is already taken/the town doesn't have enough people.