Rhano Rusteye

Revision as of 16:53, 18 December 2023 by KordoL (talk | contribs)


Rhano Rusteye is a brunette half-dwarf who's 5'10 tall and sports a long and jeweled beard. He usually wears neutral colors, for example his big grey shawl and a lot of fishing equipment, like a fishing net. He speaks rarely and sounds gruff.

Rhano Rusteye's apperance.


Rhano Rusteye has been known to be a very durable worker for anyone who takes him under his wing. He prefers work relating to fishing and history, what a strange combination, nonetheless he has found work wherever he goes. He is also seen to assist in wrecking, the plundering of old wrecked ships.

Rhano has most recently held a poetry contest called "Poetic Echoes" which has yet to conclude.

The banner of the Rusteyes, seen on properties owned by Rhano.


Rhano's family history is not available to the public, as he seems to be the only one who knows it and it never came up in conversation. Arriving unto Alathra, he lived in Brewstone for a few years under Shinzu, his chef, until it fell due to factors outside his control and knowledge. He followed Shinzu to Kalikhan, but left for aspiring Veizen for not long. The Rusteye has recently moved to the settlement of Mistpeak, seeking adventure and liberty within a society void of birthrights and state religion.