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'Zarules was a young boy when it happened. He and his family, his mother and father, flead the continent of Arith in fear of persecution. His family were never fans of the FCA and thought them liars. But they had nowhere to go. And so that was where they went. They had recently heard of an island in the south that was once abandoned but now being rebuilt, Nowhere. And after a rough travel they made it. The town leader, Grim, was surprised to see sudden guests but was delighted to hear that they were willing to join. They told him their story, and fears. They told him that they lost their youngest son to illness. And Grim sympathised with them.
While yes Nowhere would eventually join the FCA, Grim promised them protection and hid them away from the nation.
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Zarlues at this time was also looking at Ra'thra's forbidden books. Many were unreadable but he was beginning to translate them, even understand some of them. But it was one in particular. It was a small, black book with gold details and patterns on it. he could also see the paper. It was red. And for some reason it was chained down. The aura it gave off was powerful and heavy, it made him feel sick. He also couldn't use spells to unlock the chains as they were warded with powerful magic. But something called to him, the book called to him. So, with nothing else to do he touched it.
Zarlues woke up with news that Ra'thra had gone South for something, and he soon found out what it was about. Ra'thra had caused a storm to occur over Haven and he attacked the residents. However he was delighted to hear that Ra'thra was locked away in a void. That was until he discovered Ra'thra's new host body and Ra'thra possessing it.
Zarlues woke up with news that Ra'thra had gone South for something.
After that, Zarules and Orthigo had to maintain the look of the temple while Ra'thra plotted away. Though, soon, both of them were sent away on a mission. Zarules was sent to Haven to find the curses. However he had no luck and became stressed. But he enjoyed his freedom and even dreamed of living in Haven. On his return trip he passed several places but only met one or two people, giving them his concerns. When he returned to the temple Ra'thra was only slightly angry and realised his mistake in sending him.
During him return, Zarules became more and more interested in the book.'


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