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Made a lot of rewrites to improve grammer and readability.
(Created page with "== ''Species Origins'' == Since the ice age of Alathra creatures had evolved to live in cold environments and one such animal species was a species of flightless bird called the Pengoose. Thought to be non-sentient it was quickly discovered pengeese could do a lot more than what was believed to be capable of from their species and have been recorded to communicate through various clicks in their beaks and seem to have formed tribal societies as means of ensure survival...")
(Made a lot of rewrites to improve grammer and readability.)
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== ''Species Origins'' ==
SinceEver since the Alathra's ice age of Alathra, creatures hadhave evolved to live in cold environments. and oneOne such animal species was a species of flightless bird called the Pengoose. ThoughtAlthough originally thought to be non-sentient, it was quickly discovered pengeesethat Pengeese could do a lot more than what was believedinitially to be capablethought of fromthem. theirThey speciescommunicate andby havemaking beendistinct recordedclicking tosounds communicate through various clicks inwith their beaks, and seemgenerally toformed have formedsmall tribal societies as means of ensure survival of their species.
== Physiology ==
Though many types of Pengeese exist, no such name for alternations in their appearance have been given at this time and so from what little is known about them all. Pengeese, regardless of their environment, have white and black belly'sbellies with multicolored stripes. andThey share similar features toother thebirds appearancesuch of birds likeas Penguins and Toucans. They cangenerally range anywhere from 5- 7 inchesfeet tall withalthough there are some exceptions in certain areas. AllMost Pengeese have flippers, thoughalthough some havePengeese's feathersflippers onare themmore aswinglike wellthan others, even occasionally sporting feathers.
=== Reproduction ===
Like most birds, Pengeese hatch from eggs.
Despite being humanoid in some ways it appears pengeese still lay eggs and until further study proves otherwise is believed to be how this species reproduces.
==== Diet ====
Pengeese prefer to eat mostly fish and insects, but ifwill fruit oreat other isfoods foundsuch availableas tofruits them will also eat those things asif wellnecessary.
== Habitat ==
Pengeese can beare found in cold and temperate climates, depending on the typevarient. ofSome pengoosePengeese andlive closer to the equator, but this howis theya gotrare thereoccurrence.


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