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Archive:Fossores Republic: Difference between revisions

Revised for archiving
(Removed claims of fascism. (Potential slander))
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{{Archive|status=done|nation}}{{Infobox country
|conventional_long_name = Fossores Republic
|common_name = Fossores
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|nummembers = 76 {{increase}}
|demonym=Fossorean|area_rank=4th|GDP_PPP=$750,000 {{increase}}|area_km2=7.36|national_motto=For peace, for prosperity, for the republic!|GDP_PPP_per_capita=$10,416 {{increase}}|established_event2=Dissolution|established_date2=22 August, 2021}}
The '''Fossores Republic''' was a continental superpower located through the heart of the continent New Anglia. It was a democratic republic, focused on freedom and peace. currently they hold coastal control from Aujuittuck to arcadia, with the exceptions of sunset bay and Dulce_Aqua. Fossores' main exports included sugarcane from Mineopolis and Nabilzahir, Wheat from the central cities of Whitehaven and Blocksburg, a fledgling drinks factory in Blocksburg, and the gold reserves of Ezra (now Ezrael). There was no major religion in Fossores, but religious freedom was encouraged. They were a continental superpower in their time and made remarkable growth during the first and second golden ages.
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-Fossores becomes weary of Elyria after stories told by the people of Arith, and Ashina.
-Fossores begins construction of the FOA and chain mutual defense pact with [[Archive:Ashina|Ashina]] [[Archive:Free Cities of Alathra|FCA]] [[Archive:PCCR]|] [[Archive:Lydonia|Lydonia]] [[Archive:Arcadian Altanate|Arcadia]] and [[Archive:USA|USA]] to curbe [[Archive:Elyria|Elyrian]] Expansionsism.
-FOA intitiated, The great war begins, Fossores, Ashina, FCA, PCCR, Lydonia, Arcadia, USA vs Elyria and Acquendavia
-Fossores crumbles under [[Archive:The Great Fracture|The Great Fracture]].
== Current global relations ==
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== Collapse ==
[[File:New Anglian National Borders.png|alt=The national borders on New Anglia following the collapse of the first republic of Fossore, following the Great War|thumb|New Anglian National Borders]]
Unfortunately, the Fossore republic collapsed and shattered prematurely following its involvement in the Great war. This was due to a multitude of reasons, primarily the large loss of life, gear and fortunes lost in the great war, as well as the crumbling of several of their former global allies. Perhaps another reason involves the internal strife the nation was facing, as Delphi and Nanukapult entered the nation several political parties began operating within the government, not only the Constitutional Federalists the original Fossore party. Because of this there was more and more debate as Fossore was crumbling in the wake of the great war. In the end it was decided to divide up all town provincial borders into nations, with some nations in the south and west banding together to form [[Archive:Eshellic confederation|Eshellic confederation]]. This marks the end of the first Fossores Republic, this era is also known as [[Archive:The Great Fracture|The Great Fracture]].
== Fossores Republic Borders & Provinces ==
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== The City State Era ==
[[File:City state Era Border 1.png|alt=Borders of the Mineopolis Republic - seen as part of the City State Era of Fossores Republic|thumb|Borders of the Mineopolis Republic - City State Era]]
Throughout its history Fossores has been reduced to a city state. First in its humble beginnings with the town Mineopolis, then later after [[Archive:The Great Fracture|The Great Fracture]] Blocksburg and Mineopolis once again became city states, though their bond would grow closer than ever after such a radical shift. Then again after the fall of United Moria where the two towns joined forces to form the [[Archive:Mineopolis Republic|Mineopolis Republic]]. This fate would follow the Fossoriean people until the reformation of the Fossores Republic.
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== New Fossores Republic - 2nd Republic of Fossore ==
All information regarding the [[Archive:New Fossores Republic|New Fossores Republic can be seen by clicking this link.]]
[[File:NFR Borders 1.png|alt=Borders of the NFR after its formation.|thumb|NFR Borders]]
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== United Moria - 3rd Republic of Fossore ==
All information regarding [[Archive:United Moria|United Moria Can be seen by clicking this link.]]
[[File:United Moria Borders.png|alt=Borders of United Moria at its peak.|thumb|United Moria Borders]]
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== Moriean Republic ==
All information regarding the [[Archive:Moriean Republic|Moriean Republic by clicking this link.]]
[[File:Moriean Republic Borders.png|alt=The Borders of the Moriean Republic.|thumb|Moriean Republic Borders]]
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== Fossores Republic - Rebirth of a Nation ==
[[File:Fossore Republic Borders.png|alt=Borders of the Fossore Republic after its reformation.|thumb|Fossore Republic Borders]]
On the Fourth of February 2022 The nation known as the [[Archive:Mineopolis Republic|Mineopolis Republic]] was reformed into the Fossores Republic following the discovery of their former Vice President [[Archive:Falco Di Montoia|Falco Di Montoia]]. Soon after the government funded the creation of a new capital Irithil (Formally known as Blocksburg). This capital was to be part of a larger metropolitan mega city located in the plains and islands north of Mineopolis Island. The Nation has a newfound sense of national pride of the original republic, and patriotism is high.
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## Orbit Towns should invest heavily in farming and key fortifications.
## Extend land claims in Dulce Aqua and establish new towns in the desert.
### Militarily -establishing forts and an extremely fortified city where RinoimiskeePyyn is building a roadway from the continent [[Archive:Gaushan|Gaushan]] to the continent [[Archive:Moria|Moria]].
#### This city shall be called Dulce Aqua and heavy investment should take place to make it prosperous and defensive.
### Economically -establishing Dulce Aqua as the control and power center of the southeastern most desert peninsulas of [[Archive:Moria|Moria]].
#### Dulce Aqua shall have several Orbit Towns in order to protect it defensively, as well as to help harvest and establish massive sugar cane plantations.
#### Establishing total integration with the nations highway, roadway, rail, and defensive infrastructure.
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## Fund the creation of a global monument, the Great Wall of Fossore.
## This wall would run through the entire border of Fossore until reaching the sea. Should any lakes, rivers, or ponds appear in its path the wall may follow the waterline or build a rivergate where it may.
## As well as becoming a global wonder, the wall will be seen as a sign of prosperity, and growth for the continent of [[Archive:Moria|Moria]].
## This will also act as a great defensive and help integrate the entire nation.
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[[File:Infrastructure Plan for Fossores Mesa Regions-.png|thumb|Infrastructure Plan for Fossores Mesa Regions]]
[[File:Infrastructure Plan for Fossores Desert Regions..png|thumb|Infrastructure Plan for Fossores Desert Regions]]
[[Category:Alathra Nations Archive]]
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