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Archive:Ashina-Lothridge War: Difference between revisions

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[[Lothridge]] had already been infamous as something of a rogue state in Alathra. Its leader, Grandpa_boob, was known for committing various atrocities, including the [[The Slaying of Pope Mistapurple]]. [[Ashina]] had especially icy relations with the town, as Lothridge had attempted to enforce taxes on Ashina territory multiple times.
=== The conflict ===
On May 5th, Grandpa_boob declared war on Ashina. He sought to conquer Ashina and enforce Lothridge's philosophy on its people. Ashina quickly built up support from most of the other nations in Alathra, creating an alliance that severely outmatched Lothridge's forces. This alliance consisted of [[Hargreevs]] and the nation of Senza-Nome, among others. Ashina had also received logistic support from [[Slavongrad]], which produced items for the Alliancealliance forces. Unbeknownst to the rest of the alliance at the time, Slavongrad had provided illegal duplicated items.
[[Kais Kogong]] remained neutral in the war. Hargreevs, having previous ties to Ashina fought aside them. However, Vasya, being a pacifist, remained neutral, instead running a medic tent with Peridune that served both sides of the war, believing that all who are hurt deserve to be healed.
On May 11th, the war began. Fighting was fierce, but the tiny Lothridge forces were quickly overwhelmed by the sheer number of fighters provided by the alliance. The battle was made especially difficult by frequent lag spikes, caused by the load of so many people fighting at once. Peace was reached when KnightOfNotch and Shepsicle came to an agreement with Ripesack to give all of Lothridge's territory to Ashina. While he would later claim he knew nothing of the deal, Grandpa_boob ceded the town anyway. The last vestige of [[Acquendavia]], once the most powerful nation on the server, had fallen.
== Aftermath==
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