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"Kogan" means world, or more literally, plant and sea. During early encounters with an expanding Aquendavia[[Acquendavia]], when asked who they were, the indigenous population replied with "Kogangi", or 'The people who live here'. This was interpreted by AquendaviansAcquendavians as being the name of their people, and rewritten as "Kogongi"
"Kogongu" is then an Aquendavian word meaning, Land of the Kogongi. Most Kogongi, however, refer to their country and continent as "Koganon". This word, literally translated means "The land where we live", although to the native Kogongi, it takes on a deeper meaning. It is considered offensive for outsiders to use this term.
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Although the land has always been inhabited by the Kogongi people, the Nation was formed in order to establish legitimacy in the ever changing, politically complex world of Alathra.
At its founding, it was inhabited by Native Kogongi, including Vasya and Game_Glider_SKG. Shortly after, [[Hargreevs]] immigrated to the growing town.
A new town, Wahat-Amarjan was founded by IamtheSenate13, although it has since fallen into disrepair.
===[[Lothridge-Ashina War]]===
Being a peaceful nation, Kogongu did not take sides in the war. They did however, attempt deescalation many times.
In the days leading up to the war, Vasya met with Jupiterdude, another prominent religious figure to discuss the war, describing a prophetic dream she had, wherein a mouth devoured the entire world, and her along with it.
When Dizzeave was captured and enslaved by Lothridge, Vasya and Hargreevs journeyed to Lothridge to negotiate the release of Dizzeave, who was a neutral party. However, Kogongi and Acquendavian philosophies were so different that the two could not hope to reason with each other. Vasya admitted to having cast Grandpa_Boob's [[Virtue Rhetoric]] into the pit because she believed it to be incendiary and problematic. Grandpa_Boob responded by stabbing Vasya, who had no armor.
====''"The pursuit of power is fruitless, and cannot lead to anything but suffering"
"WHAT????''<sub>Vasya and Grandpa_Boob, shortly before Vasya's death</sub>====
Realizing the war was inevitable, Hargreevs joined the Ashina Alliance in order to support her friends in Ashina. Vasya remained out of the fight, but gifted Ashina with one of three saplings imbued with the blessing of Namari, an ancient Kogongi priest. On the day of the battle, Vasya and Peridune of [[Bennessere]] set up a fully stocked medical tent to provide for soldiers on both sides of the war, believing that all deserved to be healed.
After the war, when Grandpa_Boob went on a murder spree following his exile for going on a murder spree in the name of Emperor KnightofNotch, Vasya attempted to reason him, intending to take him to Kais Kogong for rehabilitation, but was killed again in a blind rage.
===The Thief from Bal-Duran===
Shortly after the war, alexpotter03 joined the server. He spawned near Kais Kogong, and saw that Vasya had left several full shuckers in an unclaimed area. He, being low on gear, took them, as well as several stacks of iron and founded Bal-Duran.
Vasya responded to this by gifting alexpotter03 with a fifth shucker that contained a stack of food, a mending book, several emeralds and a diamond block, saying "Now that you have this, you will not need to steal anymore". Satisfied, she left. Hargreevs on the other hand, was not satisfied with this and went to Bay-Duran, demanding the shuckers and killing him repeatedly. This became a point of contention between Vasya and Hargreevs. One always chose peace, the other often chose violence


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