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Archive:New Fossores Republic: Difference between revisions

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==== The Revolutionary New Government ====
On October 29, 2021, a new government was formed for the NFR. It was before a Monarchy, but that proved to be to fraudulent and controversial. So it got changed to a new, unheard of type called Neoarchy. It's based on the a set of representatives from each town within the nation and then the Neodent (President) and the Neoist (Vice President). A new law or action (edict) can be proposed by the representatives, the Neodent and the Neoist. In order for an edict it must pass with a majority vote from the representatives then it has to be approved by either the Neodent or the Neoist. If neither approve then the edict is scrapped. In order for a new Neoist or Vice Neoist to be elected he or she must leave office willingly. Before they leave they will present several candidates for the position. The representatives will vote on them and who ever gets the most votes is victorious and is the new Neoist for the nation.
== The Merger ==
==== The Merger ====
On November 10, 2021, the nations of New Fossores Republic and Ardeneux agreed to merge into one large nation to protect the continent of New Anglia from foreign powers. They formed the new nation of [[Cornucopia]].


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