Vuori (formerly the Autonomous Province of Vuori, under rule of Kallvind) is a nation in Ceyreto, spanning much of its Northern shore, and the mountains nearby. It is ruled by the Supreme Eric, and Vice-lead by the Vice Mok. The capital, and the largest and first city in the nation, is Szvenosvok Peak.
While only being formally founded in 17AC, Vuori conducted itself as almost a pseudo-state during 16AC. It was founded by Eric, after his self imposed exile from Whitepeak. It began growing, however with growth also came problems. After the exile of a citizen, rumours of a rebellion circulated. Nothing came of it, however a prominent council member did admit to being part of it, prompting a prison sentence. Peaceful times followed, which did involve a short period of time in which Vuori was an autonomous state of Kallvind. However, after the departure from Kallvind, Vuori finally established itelf as an official nation. Most recently, a new town of Vuori was founded, by the name of Frostfall, and the remnants of Kallvind have also joined Vuori.
Vuori was formally disbanded by Supreme Eric.
Vuori encompasses a significant portion of Northern Ceyreto, most notably the mountains within it. This makes Vuori a rather difficult place to navigate, due to the steep mountains and large snowdrifts. This, however, doesn't deter the strong-willed population who prosper within the peaks. The climate is also very cold, which was an influence in the construction of Szvenosvok Peak, which is built rather densely to conserve warmth.
Vuori is run by the Vuori council, which are seated in the Capital, Szvenosvok Peak, but a majority of the power in the nation is held by Supreme Eric, and his Vice Mok.