New Pangolias

Revision as of 15:33, 12 December 2023 by Xaemon (talk | contribs) (Media Statement from Casnexx Goldenfin)

Nouveaux Pangolias (or New Pangolia) is a small town in the Commonwealth of Blackthorn, situated on the continent of Ceyreto, on the south bank of the Kryriskan lake. It is the administrative capital of the Province of South Kryska within the Principality of Kryska. The province is the poorest settlement within Kyriska, the Commonwealth, Ceyreto and one of the poorest in Alathra.

New Pangolias
Nouveaux Auvergne
City District of New Pangolias
Official seal of New Pangolias
Motto(s): Endure & Strive!
 • TypeSocialist Technocracy
 • First ArchitectDr Baron Wolfgang Kreis
 • Rural2
Demonym(s)Pangolite, Auvergnat

The Seal

The Seal of New Pangolias is extracted from a horizontal rectangular tricolour flag with the following symbolism:

Green - represents the fertility and agriculture of the land

White - represents purity, peace and the pursuit of enlightenment

Orange - represents the hard work, talent and perseverance of the people in the face of adversity

Additional Colours:

5-pointed Red Star at the centre of the flag - represents the hardships and many struggles faced by the people, and the need to collaborate to endure


Map of Kyriska

New Pangolias resides within the moorland and forest biomes and is divided into 5 Wards with an average of 94.6% of the population below the world poverty line.

Ward 1: The Lakefront, the ward with the most development potential, with an average income of 2.14$ a day

Ward 2: The Estate, the only ward with minimal critical infrastructure and personal family estates of the working-poor technocrats at an average income of 8.21$ a day

Ward 3: The Historical Village, the smallest, most populated and most impoverished ward with 99.8% of the population living in extreme poverty at an income 1.24$ a day

Ward 4: The Riverbank (or The East Bank), the second largest, least developed, with 92.3% of the population living in extreme poverty at an income of 1.89$ a day

Ward 5: The Forest Reserve, the largest ward, consisting of half of the province's territory and the only ward that is unpopulated and is comprised of the Southern Kryriskan Forest

Ward 5.1 The Unregistered settlement Area is founded by indigenous South Kryskans and is a contested region within New Pangolias’ politics

Map of City District of New Pangolias

Notable sites of interest include: The Wineyard, the Blackthorn Botanical Gardens and Apiary which includes a greenhouse and small hedge maze, and the Blackthorn Honeyworks Building. The Indigenous Historic District was a site of interest until the massacre of Year 8, where mercenaries lit the historic district aflame and left 80% of the neighborhood decimated. Government commitments for restoration were deemed too expensive and canceled in favor of new development.

Government and Politics

The City District of New Pangolias, classified as an underdeveloped rural and low-income city state, is a isolationist unitary technocratic socialist polity led by the First Architect, with a semi-closed and centrally planned Agrarian economy comprising of state-owned collective farms and following an autarkic philosophy of self-reliance, self-sufficiency and autonomy brought on by necessity from the absence of foreign investments, the absence of foreign aid, and the political inter-relations of its upbringing. Education, Healthcare, Housing and many other government sectors are all subsidized.

Motto: We Will Endure!

Legalization of Axolotl Meat Products

Fried Axolotl, known for its delicious tender flavour, has become a highly controversial subject among the South Kryskan Population.

This sparked the Legalization of Axolotl Meat Products in the South Kryskan Market as a highly contested and divisive issue split between Anti-consumption and Pro-consumption camps.

Axolotl Rights Activists belonging to the Friends-Not-Food Movement advocate for the banning and illegalization of the selling and consumption of Axolotl meats under ethical grounds for the treatment of Axolotls which many are known to be sentient. In response, the Friends-And-Food Counter-movement, backed by Axolotl Food Chains and the Axolotl Meat Industry, supports the right of consumption and claims the banning of Axolotl meat products constitutes as discrimination against Snoran culture. In the year 11, a scandal has transpired where the First Architect allegedly purchased and consumed Fried Axolotl for Lunch.

The issue has captured the attention across the waters, sparking outcry among many Axolians. “On the question of eating my people I think it is absolutely horrendous. Axolians are a sentient species. We are intelligent, we have thoughts. We have feelings, motivations. Hunting us down for our meat is disgraceful. You would not eat another one of your kind under most any circumstance. You do not eat your friends.” states Mayor of Axolia, Casnexx Goldenfin

In response, First Architect Wolfgang Kreis ruled against the motion to legalize consumption & distribution of Axolotl meat, and vowed to crack down on illegal axolotl meat smuggling and global Axolian trafficking cartels. A firm stance on the matter that divided the Legislative Court fairly equally, and something First Architect has hitherto been reluctant to do. News of chairs and other furniture thrown across the stalls at the First Architect has dominated public discourse.

With the ruling coinciding with Blackthorn’s Special Military Operation on Birchwater Harbour as a response to the kidnapping of prominent Blackthorian officials, which the Republic of Snora has condemned in support of Birthwater Harbour, spokespersons of the Snoran government have accused the First Architect of anti-Snoran rhetoric and Snoranophobia.

Due to the meats becoming a notable and affordable delicacy among the minority indigenous South Kryskan community, and with indigenous Kryskan rights an issue on its own to contend with, approval ratings of the First Architect experienced a decline, especially among the conservative Sengarian Pathic indigenous Kryskan population, which has prompted Opposition Leader Valentine Adler to call for the impeachment of Kreis. However, Kreis has received much praise and approval from Sentient rights activists and among the Pangolite Youth Demographic.


New Pangolias is a multi-ethnic state comprised primarily of ethnic Pengeese at around 74% of the population, the indigenous Kryskan people at around 21% with the remaining 5% of the population making up other various ethnic groups, mostly Vanadian and Valtaran.

The majority of the population, at around 94%, identifies as agnostic atheist, with the Pengeese abolishing the religious beliefs of their Pangolite predecessors, with about 6% identifying with the Sengarian Path faith based in Zethortal. However, early developments of a new monostic faith have been documented.


South Kryska Pre-Migration:

Indigenous Kryskan tribes have been documented to establish early settlements

Settlement of New Pangolias:

Shortly after the collapse of the Aurinian Imperium and the subsequent annexation of Pangolias by the Chiefdom of Idrolia, both events long anticipated and foreseen by Pangolite political analysts, the Pengeese began a mass exodus across the oceans of Alathra, with high casualties during the migration.

Notable reasons for the displacement of the Pengeese include but not limited to persecution, geopolitical tensions and conflicts, absence of geopolitical security and active historical erasure and revisionism of the aforementioned by both national level and neighboring powers.

A people without a home, The pengeese found themselves seeking refuge in the Commonwealth of Blackthorn under refugee and asylum status whereby Emilia, High Councillor of Blackthorn granted the Pengeese land south of the Blackthorn lake for the establishment of a safe settlement, many believed to be the Promised Land.

After many months lobbying for the succession of New Pangolias as a member of the commonwealth, New Pangolias is admitted as a commonwealth city district.

The lands of the Moorland south of the Blackthorn lake have been incorporated into the New Pangolias City District, with it, The Tree Farm located in Ward 4, A publicly-owned logging facility jointly operated with and primarily managed by The Faewood City District.

Blackthorn Era:

In April of Year 6, the destruction and massacre by foreign raiders decimated the population and set the buildings in the Historic Ward on fire, creating a massive humanitarian crisis exacerbating existing poverty.

With member states of the Commonwealth rebelling, seceeding from Zethortal and unifying with the emerging Rauthwald Empire, New Pangolias fell into economic depression. After the dissolution of the Commonwealth of Blackthorn, the Empire made territorial claims to half the territory of New Pangolias in preparation for annexation which the Emperor stated did not belong to the Pangolian State. In order to preserve the territorial integrity of New Pangolias, receive financial recovery aid and receive much previously neglected long-term development aid, the First Architect signed documents for New Pangolias to be annexed by Rauthwald as a province of the Principality of Kyriska.

Rauthwald Era:

In September of Year 8, New Pangolias acquired the forest territories gifted by Fort Khirom, Capital of Kyriska and became the fifth ward of the province. Over time as Kyriskan trade and commerce influenced New Pangolian society, New Pangolias quickly become an inalienable part of Kyriska proper.

In January of Year 9, The Emperor granted the title to the First Architect of New Pangolias as Baron of Southern Kyriska.

Second Blackthorn Era:

In Year 12, New Pangolias becomes the first city district to reapply for membership in the commonwealth in the aftermath of the collapse of the Rauthwald Empire.

Since then, New Pangolias has seen a rise in wealth as its economy becomes more integrated within the Commonwealths, thanks in part to new administrative oversight and initiative that promotes interdependence and integration.

During the great recession, Humanitarian Aid has been provided by the Idrolian Province of Oasis


Cultural Norms include common practices whereby the following is expected:

  • Removal of one's armor when entering town borders.
  • Removal of shoes upon entering one's home
  • Standing in shoulder-to-shoulder in large gatherings
  • Frequently offering help to someone in need
  • Checking in with fellow townsfolk to ensure they are in good health

Cultural Customs include:

  • Yearly exchanges of gifts
  • Rituals to expel and atone for selfish desires

Pengeese Culture:

An important tenet in Pengeese traditional culture is the “Nootnoot”, the Tenet of Sanctuary and Collective Support, which states that refusal of a request for assistance is forbidden even at the cost of the supporter’s own life or fortune. It is expected for one to reciprocate and permanently memorialize the gratitude for NootNoot with exclusive privileges to the supporter.

A notable example of this was the fountain built and a tree planted dedicated to the High Councillor of Blackthorn for accepting Pengeese refugees and the Chief of the Faewood for providing humanitarian aid respectively..

Collaboration, Selflessness and Teamwork are highly valued within the Pengeese traditional lifestyle.

Indigenous South Kryiskan culture

The indigenous South Kryiskan culture carries traditional knowledge that comprises practical problem solving-based advancements in architecture and structural engineering defined through the use of practical, optimal problem-solving techniques to engineering problems. South Kryiskan culture also comprises vibrant and refined music. Attempts to institutionalize the traditional knowledge are being made in the present.

The following Institutions can trace their founding to New Pangolias:

- The Architect’s Foundation, a global awarding organization which pioneered the professionalization and standardization of the field of architecture, offering awards to structures of notable architectural accomplishments,

- The Office For Development & National Statistics, both an Commonwealth Non-ministrial Government Department and an Independent Global Agency which collects and publishes census data within Blackthorn, and a Comprehensive Power Index Ranking of Nation States across Alathra,

- The University of Ceyreto, the leading prestigous educational institution of Alathra, which resides in the Blackthorn Centre for the Performing Arts and the Blackthorn Institute of Arts & Science Building


Every year, New Pangolias loses a third of its wealth due to drought, disease, and mismanagement of resources (Alathra upkeep) and has remained an impoverished state due to limited access to skilled labour, underinvestment in critical infrastructure and scarcity of and limited technology to tap into its natural resources. As a result, famines are common and high mortality rates remain an issue. Despite this, Economic Growth has been slow but steadily rising. Crime rates have notably improved with increased investment in security (chunk claiming). New Pangolias engages exclusively in the Domestic commonwealth market with notable exceptions in the Kingdom of Guldhir. New Pangolias is in the midst of its 5 year plan for infrastructure development to improve the level of human development and the overall quality of life with the intent to bring the district up to developing status by the end of the plan.


New Pangolias engages in an array of agricultural production with a dominant Beetroot sector. Other smaller sectors include Carrots, Potatoes, Wheat, Chicken products, Honey, Milk, Wool products, Sugar, Pumpkins, Watermelons, Cocoa, Cacti, Sweet Berries, and Dried Kelp in addition to a bamboo forestry cultivation industry and a small lumber industry with primarily spruce and mangrove lumber. None of the smaller sectors yield a competitive advantage in wider markets. New Pangolias has been unable to produce any manufactured or higher end goods.


  • Variety of Manufactured and Higher End Goods
  • Skilled Labour
  • Natural Resources


  • Chicken Eggs
  • Sweet Berries
  • Sugar
  • Cocoa
  • Baked Pastries