
From Alathra Wiki
Flag of Prisma
StatusCapital of Azure Scripture (in the Iron Hills)

Prisma is a town located in the west region of the Icy Unknown, serving as the capital of Azure Scripture, an autonomous region in the Iron Hills. Population: 8



The town was founded on May 8, 3 AC after the failure of Korli by Cornker, Ghoopy and Sir Steinie. It consisted of unnamed 2 islands. The town was originally named Azure Scripture, before being renamed to Prisma. The town's government was purely simple: Cornker taking the 1st Seat, Ghoopy taking the 2nd Seat and Steinie casually supporting them with materials from his hometown Kalikhan. They also called out their friend Romeo Canti to create a neighboring castle Cantium. Soon, 2 new colonists came: Centi Caduceus and Mazera I. With the help of their work, they finished construction of the Superior's Palace and small ship docks. On May 19, 3 AC, the nation Azure Scripture was officially formed. Since then, the town bank started growing with speed, thanks to the beetroot plantations in the cores of the main island. Year 4 was spent on farming and selling, which led to it gaining 50,000 coins.

Prisma and Cantium on June 28, 4 AC

With the help of Mazera's hard work, The Icy Path had been constructed for the ships to go through. It was then surrounded with 3 houses and docks for bigger ships. To mark the town on the map, Mazera built a sign that said "PRISMA". The amount of traders however hadn't increased. Later, Centi built a tower for the Prisma Platoon guards. Following the Superior's great departure, the town's construction process was slowed down with no ability to recruit new citizen. On June 29, 4 AC Mazera I constructed the first brewery in the Icebergs, making Azurath Chocolate Milkshakes as the first drinks. Sadly, after Mazera the 1st lost in the Colosseum of Zydel and mysteriously disappeared after visiting the Vault of Ice, the economy began to decline. Superior Cornker lost all hope and watched as people began to leave Prisma, he died soon after. Half the population left and the town was pillaged by pirates from various parts of the world, including Sea-Man City. This was the case all the way until 10 AC.

The Azuren Renaissance

On January 28th of 10 AC, Mazera II, the younger brother of Mazera I, turned 19 and decided to change things. He remembered his brother's ideas of "Renaissance" and hoped to bring them to life. First, he needed to fix the town. Before that, he visited king Ines of The Lost Woods, who encouraged him to create a town and gave him a lot of financial support. Young Mazera proclaimed himself 1st seat of Prisma with no resistance. The new ruler began to rebuild the main island and made economic reforms. The town still relied on farming, but with a lot more profit. Once upon a time, Mazera met a nomad commander named Denas with a group of 11 knights, who needed a home. He gladly took them in. The group were good farmers for 2 weeks or so, but soon stopped doing their job. They were then put as guards and given new equipment. The story goes on and on. On February 4th 11AC, Mazera II signed the treaty of Astrious with the Iron Hills, where Prisma would become the capital of Azure Scripture, an autonomous region within the nation. In the following months, the town got a lot richer, sitting at ~75,000 coins and still growing rapidly. Soon, the population rose to 34, which is incomparable to towns like kittenberg, which grew big within just weeks of existing and not months.


The town's mayor used to be Cornker. Cornker's replacer: Sir Steinie. The 1st seat was Cornker, 2nd seat - Ghoope and people speculated that the 3rd seat was taken by Mazera I.

At the same time, the 1st seat of the town is the nation leader. Leader's title - Superior. When the Superior is absent, his spot is taken by his closest friend.

Current 1st seat and future Superior: Mazera II.


Flora and Fauna

Polar bears often roam the islands of Prisma, some learning to be friendly to the settlers. The soil is taken from mainland, but when overgrown with grass, the grass gains a weird gray color. Sugarcane and beetroot brought from the mainland managed to adapt to the cold. After the Azuren Renaissance, potatoes, wheat and carrots were brought to the lands and managed to adapt. Main source of food is chicken meat, taken from Domestic Kutharan hens.


Cold water with a lot of Icebergs, 3 man made islands. Main method of transportation is either bridges or boats.


The nationality of Prisma is 96% Azuren.

Ethniticies: ~20% - Korfian; ~76% - Northern Azurens; ~3,5% - Kalik; ~0,5% - mixups and others.

Main languages: Alathran, Korfian.

Only 10% of Korfians speak their ethnic language, all other groups have adapted Alathran.


Prisma and Cantium on June 29, 4 AC

The culture adapted by Prisma is Zitaic.


A bright color palette in buildings, mostly built out of quartz and salt taken from the Salt Flats in Kuthara. Citizen commonly wear white robes. With the coming of Mazera II, black and white suits started to spread around the town.


The only religion is Zitaism. Zitaists worship Zitarica, the goddess of Corn. The unofficial Holy Place is the Superior's Palace.