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Revision as of 18:17, 1 May 2024 by JAK3211 (talk | contribs)

Id'eskana, officially the Empire of Id'eskana (Tiberian: Kajzerriche vaan Aaksoliaansriche-Ayysckaanansriche), is currently the largest nation on the server, with over 200 active players making up its population. It is a union between the Sdarianige of Æskana and Chiefdom of Idrolia, and occupies almost the entirety of the continent of Omis.

Empire of Id'eskana
Coat-of-Arms of the Chiefdom of IdroliaBanner of the Sdarianage of Æskana
Motto: Vivat Id'eskana!
Largest city Oasis
Ethnic groups Oasisian (40%), Axolian (17%), Drekifolk (9%), Sdarnige (8%), Aesian (7%), Djish (2%), Other (17%)
Demonym Id'eskanan
Government Government still being formed and debated
 •  Monarch Emperor Jeroboam I the Liberator
 •  census 230 (as of April 8th, 14 A.C.)



Town Name Leader Title leader Name Population
Imperial Capitol of Aesis Emperor Jeroboam I 27
Oasis Brotherhood Brother superhero1000 83
Magistracy of Florin Magistrate Citrusburn Aewyn 16
Imperial Raoh Imperial Kylezs 13
DJ Masterdom of DJopolis DJ Master DJMajd 5
Magistracy of Axolia Magistrate Nexier 29
Earldom of Flumenia Earl CoolGummyBear I 16
AG Wyvern Claw Hermitage Hermit CreatingWithKass 2
Sunstone Bay Hermitage Hermit NoctunralDaedra 2
Armer Bank Hermitage Hermit ROOT_TOOT 1
Shiro Settlement Wealthy Kumki 1
Castellanate of Kjorin Castellan poke9dude 1
Glistrea Settlement Hermit TiedDesert54821 1
Duchy of Solevant Soros Duke Crimson I Avalon 21
Magistracy of Piscis Magistrate _Vobi 9
Oceanus Settlement Hermit Oceanum__ 2