Wivamovian rebellion

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Revision as of 10:43, 17 March 2024 by Rikke (talk | contribs) (Added image material)
Wivamovian rebellion
Left to right, from the top:
  • Lineup photo of the Kittenberg Expeditionary Force, March 9
  • First documented use of cannons in siege warfare, March 2
  • Blackthorn forces overwhelming Arkstadt defenses, March 9
  • War elephants battling in Azuria, March 9
DateFebruary 25, 12 AC – March 12, 13 AC
Arkstadt; central Kuthara

Wivamovian victory

  • Alathran Order of Wivamovia gains independence and is recognized by Blackthorn
  • War reparations paid by Blackthorn to Wivamovia, Kittentopia and Zydel
  • Blackthorn ceases any support to the nation of the Lost Woods
Commanders and leaders

The Wivamovian rebellion was an insurrection of Wivamovian nationalists against the Commonwealth of Blackthorn. It started as a result of Arkstadt withdrawing from the Commonwealth, declaring its intention to depose the current leadership and to establish its elite as the new ruling government.

First assault

On March 2, 13 AC, in cooperation with their allies, Wivamovian troops pushed out of Arkstadt. An attempt was made for a rushed victory when the main army group marched to set siege to Zethortal, the Commonwealth's capital. Following heavy resistance from the Commonwealth troops, Wivamovia sent out separate siege parties to take control over the northern regions of the nation and establish in process a buffer zone between Arkstadt and the rest of the Commonwealth.

Situation report of Wivamovian forces on March 2, 13 AC

Guldhir was captured first, followed by a siege on Anishavokia, after the party left to defend Arkstadt decided that no real counter-siege was to be expected on their city. While Wivamovian forces were moving past Fort Khirom to reinforce Zethortal, the town suddenly surrended and was taken under occupation as well.

The long pushes through enemy territory meant that the Wivamovians were risking a larger front, which would stretch out their supply lines and reinforcement deployment times. Zethortal was still offering tough resistance and was slowly starting to win back ground outside the city. This prompted Wivamovians to turn back to a position where they could stabilize the front line.