Order of the Black Rose

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Revision as of 13:05, 13 May 2023 by SkyHorseBoy (talk | contribs) (added the creator)

The Order of the Black Rose is a polítical organization created by King Hadas I based in Blackthorn with the goal of protecting the city from internal and external forces and improving its defences and quality of life. Although the organization is well known to everyone within the city, no one knows its members other than the members themselves. This secrecy is intentional by the order to prevent assasination attempts due to the power and influence of the members. The members are generally greatly powerful people, people who have completed great feats or (in rare cases) celebrities. All of the members must follow the following requirements:

  1. Must have been born in Blackthorn
  2. Must be able to contribute to the city in some way (this can be foreign relations, captial investment, fame, or construction)
  3. Must be voted upon unanimously by the other members

The position of member of the order is generally hereditary though the thrird requirement prevents lunatics or people who are considered untrusworthy by the order from joining. No member is able to resign from the order and will only leave upon death or when unanimously voted upon by the members.

Although there is no known list of members, some likely members include:

  1. King Robert I: Being king of Valtara he is incredibly influencial within the city and the rest of the world.
  2. Malakai: Being lord of justice of Valtara he commands great respect and authority with the people of Blackthorn and leads its judicial system.
  3. Emilia Rivers: Although she currently resides in Cielo, her position as minister of foreign affairs for the Triumvirate of Ceyreto makes her extremely influencial and powerful within Blackthorn
  4. Thomas Scyteborn: As lord of Infrastructure of Valtara he is incredibly powerful when it comes to the city´s defences and structures
  5. Lady Moon: She is the least likely to be a member on this list due to the fact that her only known contribution to Blackthorn is her being generally liked among the populous of not just Blackthorn but also the world.
  6. Gem Valtara: As lord commander of Valtara before his death. him being the leader of Blackthorn as the city´s mayor, the king´s right hand and Triumvir of the Triumvirate of Ceyreto his position within the order is gauaranteed although was likely voted off during The Black March.
  7. Illay Carbonara: A great cartographer and explorer from Balckthorn his works in financial equality made him incredibly influencial.
  8. Rach Carbonara: Father to Illay Carbonara, his literary masterpieces and title of Earl of Blackthorn (a now defunct position after the death of his childless son and future laws by King Pedro II which removed the title of earl from Valtara) make him a very likely candidate for the postion.